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*If you have any questions or concerns, please text me details and a recent photo so I can       accurately assess your eligibility for permanent makeup. 

*For safety reasons no children and pets allowed. Thank you for your understanding.

*All money paid is NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-NEGOTIABLE, this includes deposit and     remaining balance paid. 


*If you have had your eyebrows done by me and went to another artist for a touch-up, and       come back to me to fix or touch-up, you will have to pay full or correction price again.  


*The hair microblade stroke technique WILL NOT work on everyone.                   

      Those with the conditions below will need to be aware that results may vary:


      - Trichotillomania - hair pulling disorder. This is due to scar tissue pigment will not retain             well & will blur.


      - Large Pores/Oily/Severely Oily Skin - do not recommend microblading, would only               suggest powder/ombre brows)

      - Thyroid/Graves Disease - medications cause the pigment not to retain properly and               additional sessions may be necessary for eyeliner. This would be an additional fee.

      - Alopecia - due to change in skin & follicles, not all types of alopecia clients are                     candidates for hair strokes.


*You can NOT have lash extensions on when getting eyeliner done. 


*If you come in with a tan, pigments implanted in tan skin WILL heal darker, appear ashy and   WILL NOT look like hair strokes.  No sun 7 days before or 30 days after.

*Fitzpatrick skin types 1-2 (Red heads/Blondes/fair skin/light eyes)

  You will be red, swollen and sometimes the pigment will not retain well and you may require   additional procedures. 


*Fitzpatrick skin types 3-6 (tan/brown/dark skin)

  Please note the hair strokes will not be as visible as on lighter skin types.

*I do not work on clients with the following conditions:


      - If you have had laser removal on the eyebrows. This is due to scar tissue issues.


      - If you are pregnant or breastfeeding


      - If you are under 18 years of age. 


      - If you have ever had eyebrow hair transplant


      - Heart Disease/Mitral Valve Prolapse/Pacemaker


      - MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)


      - Hepatitis A, B or C


      - Eczema or Acute/Seborrheic Dermatitis in or around the area chronic shedding, bumps,        redness, irritation or flaking of the skin in the eyebrow area


      - Epilepsy, hemophilia or heart disease of any kind should have a physicians                          approval prior to any permanent makeup procedure.


      - Diabetes type 1 & 2 (prone to slow healing & Infection)(if agreed to proceed with work,          additional consent is needed)

      - Super thin/vascular skin


      - Any type of organ transplant that requires anti-rejection medications


*1 day prior and day of appointment, stop the following:


      - Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Pepto Bismol, Advil, Aleve or blood thinner (ask physician)


      - Alcohol


      - Caffeine or pre-workout drinks/supplements


*5 days prior to appointment:


      - If you have EVER had a cold sore or canker sore make sure to call your doctor and get         on medication 5 days prior to your lip pigmentation appointment to prevent an outbreak.       The stimulation from the needle can bring out cold sores. 


      - If having lip procedure, start exfoliating lips daily


* 1 week prior to appointment:


      - Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning


*4 weeks prior to appointment, stop any of the following:


      - Retinol creams, emu oils, alpha hydroxy, anti-aging creams or any exfoliant


      - Botox


      - Any lash/hair growth serum


      - Prednisone or any other steroid medication.


      - Antibiotics


      - Chemical peel (must be at least 4 weeks since being done)


      - Laser treatment (must be at least 4 weeks since being done)


     - Castor Oil


      - Methotrexate


      - Antiviral Medication (except those prone to cold sores that need to be pre-medicated              prior to lip procedure)


*3-4 months prior to appointment, stop the following:


      - Fertility treatments/medications

*6 months prior to appointment, stop the following:


      - Shingles outbreak (must be at least 6 months since most recent outbreak)


      - Corneal abrasion (must be at least 6 months since incident)


      - Chemo/Radiation


      - Facial/Eyelid surgery (must be at least 6 months since completed)


*1 year prior to appointment, stop the following:


      - Accutane (acne medication)

*If you are knowingly under the influence of drugs or any mood-altering                                 drugs/medications, you will be cancelled and rescheduled. You will have to pay another       deposit to reschedule. 

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